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knowledge is power

We love it when our patients ask questions because the best patients are the most informed. Here are a few of the most plastic surgery frequently asked questions we hear and the answers we share.

If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact us. Our patient coordinators are happy to provide any information you may need at any stage of your decision process.

Yes. We require an adult to take you home and stay with you at least 24-48 hours.

No. Most of our procedures are performed as outpatient services.

It varies depending on the doctor. We do our best to work with our patients and schedule surgeries at times that are convenient for them.

In our facility, is accredited by The American Association for Accreditation of Surgery Facilities. We have three surgical suites on site.

We use Carolina Anesthesia Associates, who have been performing anesthesia for more than 20 years.

Board certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery is an extensive process that requires completion of an accredited plastic surgery residency program followed by a period of practice experience and rigorous written and oral examinations. Our four senior physicians have all completed this process, and our newest member is working toward his certification.

We have several options available. Please contact us to schedule your consultation, where we are happy to discuss the payment arrangement that suits your needs.

Payment Plans: Yes! We offer financing through CareCredit, Alphaeon, and Patient Fi! Price: Prices range based on procedure, type of implant, and several other factors. Your best option is to book a consultation with one of our award winning surgeons.Implant vs. Fat Transfer: We feel implants are better than fat transfer, which is why we only offer implants as a treatment option.

Yes! Anyone at any age can get a breast augmentation. As long as you are a non-smoker, have a healthy BMI, and have approval from your general physician, you can be cleared for surgery. The healing process is also different for every patient, but generally, you will be up and about within a few days.

Absolutely! Pairing procedures is always a good idea!

Yes! In most cases, breast augmentation surgery does not damage the glandular tissue where your milk ducts reside.

If you’re not having problems with your implants, you don’t need to replace them. The most common reason for an implant exchange is when a patient decides to modify their size, either up or down.

Typically two to three weeks to fully recover, with no heavy lifting. You can return to work at about a week after the surgery if your job does not require any demanding physical activities.

Some of the most common treatment areas include the love handles, stomach, thighs, double chin and arms.

Nope! Many people even stop by, bring their laptop, and continue to work while CoolSculpting® works its magic!

No, it is important to emphasize that CoolSculpting does not get rid of cellulite. It is meant to reduce and eliminate the fat beneath the skin, not the skin itself.

We recommend patients be at least 18 years of age. This ensures you are old enough to understand the safety and risks involved.

The cost for liposuction depends on specific treatment areas and how many areas you want treated during your procedure. However, the cost typically ranges from $5,800 to $14,000

Full abdominal area, obliques, flanks, mid and lower back.

Every patient is different, however depending on how much fat is removed, you should expect to see results between 1-3 months after the procedure.

There is no specific limit to the number of times you can get lipo to one target area. However, the more frequently you have the procedure, the more scar tissue will build up. Scar tissue can lead to the appearance of lumpiness and unevenness in skin texture.

Eyelid Rejuvenation, Neck Lift, Rhinoplasty, Tummy Tuck, & Lipo! Just to name a few. Check out our blog to see available plastic surgery procedures for men:

Prices range between $18,000 to $23,000. However, this varies depending on the procedures that need to be performed. At times, the procedures need to be staged (I.e. done in more than one surgical episode) due to the complexity of the procedure or the length of surgical time needed to achieve the desired result.

Yes — You want to be close or at your goal weight prior to having surgery. This will lead to the best possible results on your transformation journey! Additionally, our recommended BMI for surgery is at or below 33.

We recommend that new mothers wait at least a year after having their last child before undergoing a mommy makeover procedure. Contact us at Charlotte Plastic Surgery to talk more about the specifics of your mommy makeover.

A mommy makeover will usually consist of some combination of breast augmentation (to enhance breast volume), breast lift (to change the shape of the breast), liposuction, and tummy tuck (eliminating flab or stretch marks along the abdomen).

Our physicians recommend waiting until you are completely done having children prior to getting a tummy tuck or liposuction as getting pregnant will completely alter your results and you would likely need to have surgery again afterwards.

Not necessarily. While the fat cells are removed from your body for good, some fat cells still remain and can grow. It’s up to you to take good care of yourself so that you can enjoy your slimmer look for a long time!

The Skin Center by CPS
